Thursday, May 04, 2006

Exercises #5

1. Use the Steinberg rule to prove the Pieri rule.
2. Show that the hive theorem is true for the following cases:
  • tensoring with the trivial representation
  • the case V(2,1,0)@2
  • the Pieri cases.
  • 3. A hive is defined by its convexity. Hence, if we add a linear function to a hive we get another one. What is the corresponding statement about tensor products?
    4. Fix lambda,mu,nu. Show that the space of real hives with this boundary is bounded (hence compact).
    5*. Fix lambda,mu,kappa. What does the Steinberg rule say about the limit of
    cN lambda,muN lambda + kappa as N -> infinity? (We dealt with the case that lambda is regular dominant, i.e. has no repeats.)

    1 comment:

    orangeskid said...

    Hi Allen,
    In the last course , is the Steinberg rule somehow like this: we have the weight diagram of V. get from this a dominant diagram (in a certain way, using also λ)--that will be the decomposition diagram(?)
    Also, please take a look at the page
    --a list of some special symbols .☺